Personal Information Protection Policy

1. Introduction

RISO TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION (the “Company”) believes that protecting privacy and personal information (collectively referred to as “Personal Information”) is a fundamental element of the Company’s business activities as well as its social responsibility. In conjunction with the rapid advances in information technology, including the Internet, and heightened social demands for the protection of Personal Information in recent years, the Company has established and strictly carries out the Personal Information Protection Policy set forth below concerning the handling of Personal Information by the Company.
For information on the handling of personal data in the European Economic Area (EEA), please refer to the EU Personal Data Protection Policy.

2. Request to Customers

The Company does not bear any responsibility for the protection of customer Personal Information on websites that link to the Company’s website. The Company recommends that customers review the details of personal information protection policies of websites other than the Company’s website, and if any such website has no personal information protection policy, directly confirm with the organization or person responsible for the relevant website to ensure the safety of their own Personal Information.

3. Personal Information Protection Policy

The Company is aware of the value and utility of customer Personal Information and conducts business activities in accordance with the following Personal Information Protection Policy.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
    The Company complies with laws, regulations, and other norms concerning the protection of Personal Information.
  2. Disclosure of purposes of use and prohibition of use for other purposes
    When customers provide Personal Information, the Company discloses the purposes of such provision in advance and limits the use of the Personal Information to the scope of those purposes. If it becomes necessary to use customer Personal Information beyond the scope of the purposes of use that were disclosed at the time of provision, the Company will notify the customer of such additional purpose of use in advance, and if a customer does not agree to such new purpose of use, the customer may refuse such use at the customer’s discretion.
    If a customer does not wish to provide Personal Information, the customer may, at the customer’s discretion, refuse to provide the Personal Information (however, in cases where Personal Information is essential for the provision of services, it may not be possible for the Company to provide the relevant services).
  3. Non-disclosure and non-provision of customer Personal Information to third parties
    Fundamentally, the Company does not disclose or provide Personal Information submitted by customers to third parties, except in the following cases.
    (1)In the case where the customer agrees;
    (2)In the case where the Company determines, based on the particulars of an inquiry, that it would be appropriate for an affiliate or agent of the Company to respond;
    (3)In the case where the Company outsources services relating to campaigns, prize applications, and so on to an outside company with which a confidentiality agreement has been executed in advance;
    (4)In the case where necessary information is provided to a financial institution such as in the case of credit card payment for product or service charges;
    (5)In the case where disclosure of Personal Information is required by a lawful order or the like; or
    (6)In the case of business succession as a result of merger, corporate division, business transfer, or otherwise.
  4. Inquiries concerning Personal Information
    If a customer wishes to check his or her own Personal Information, the customer is requested to submit an inquiry to the division to which the customer submitted the Personal Information (if the Personal Information was submitted via website, then to the division that performs website administration). To prevent leaks of customer Personal Information to third parties and the like, the Company will provide notice of a customer’s Personal Information in the possession of the Company only in the case where the Company can confirm the customer’s identity.
    If there is an error in a customer’s Personal Information or if that information has changed, the Company will correct or delete the incorrect or old information in accordance with a request from the customer; however, to prevent falsification of customer Personal Information by third parties and the like, this shall apply only in the case where the Company can confirm the customer’s identity.
  5. Security measures to address risks relating to Personal Information
    The Company takes reasonable security measures to address risks relating to Personal Information, such as unauthorized access, leaks, loss, destruction, and falsification, by implementing access control, introducing mechanisms to protect against unauthorized access and malware, performing employee access control, and taking other measures.
  6. Establishment of Personal Information protection systems
    The Company appoints information control officers in each division that handles Personal Information, establishes and implements systems for protecting Personal Information by notifying employees about company rules, and continuously reviews and improves these systems.

Effective June 28, 2024
Kenji Oshima, President and CEO

4. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

When customers provide Personal Information, the Company discloses the purposes of use of the Personal Information in advance and limits the use of the Personal Information to the scope of those purposes. If it becomes necessary to use customer Personal Information beyond the scope of the purposes of use that were disclosed in advance, the Company will notify the customer of such additional purpose of use in advance and will use the Personal Information after obtaining the customer’s consent.

The Company uses customer Personal Information for the following purposes.

  1. Personal Information relating to customers
    (1) Delivering products;
    (2) Provision of information concerning products, services, and events;
    (3) Provision of product support and maintenance;
    (4) Responding to inquiries and consultation;
    (5) Issuance of warranty certificates and provision of warranty service;
    (6) Provision of various member services;
    (7) Product development, implementation of questionnaire surveys, and monitoring;
    (8) Performance of contracts; and
    (9) Conducting negotiations, meetings, and so on with customers.
  2. Personal Information relating to shareholders
    (1) Exercise of rights and performance of duties pursuant to the Commercial Code;
    (2) Provision of various benefits (various shareholder benefit programs and the like);
    (3) Implementation of various shareholder measures (such as surveys); and
    (4) Shareholder management pursuant to laws and regulations (preparation of shareholder data, etc.).
  3. Personal Information relating to government employees, public officials, etc.
    Conducting communications, reports, inquiries, and so on with government officials as necessary for business.
  4. Personal Information relating to officers, employees, etc. of business partners and other companies
    (1) Conducting communications, business talks, etc. necessary for business; and
    (2) Managing business partner information, processing payments and receipts.
  5. Personal Information relating to job applicants
    (1) Providing hiring and other information to and communicating with job applicants (including internships);
    (2) Hiring operations administration by the Company.

The main business area in which the Company uses Personal Information is as follows:
Manufacture of printer components (inkjet head manufacturing). The Company will provide
individual notice concerning purposes of use of Personal Information relating to individual products and services.

5. Request Procedures for Disclosure, etc.

If you wish to request notice of the purposes of use, disclosure, correction, supplementation, or deletion of content, termination of use, erasure, termination of provision to third parties, or disclosure of records of provision to third parties, or if you have a complaint or wish to make a consultation, please contact the Personal Information Protection Manager. The Company will notify you regarding the necessary procedures.

The Personal Information Protection Manager
General Manager, Business Administration Department, RISO TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION

6-78 Minamimachi, Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture 411-0842, Japan

6. Inquiries concerning Personal Information

  1. Please submit inquiries concerning your own Personal Information to the division with which you registered your Personal Information (if the Personal Information was registered via website, then to the division that performs website administration).
  2. In the case of inquiries relating to the Personal Information Protection Policy in general or if the registering division is not clear, please submit inquiries to the Personal Information Protection Manager indicated above.

7. Other Matters

  1. This Personal Information Protection Policy concerns the handling of Personal Information by RISO TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION in Japan. This Policy does not apply to the Company’s domestic affiliates or overseas subsidiaries.
  2. Please note that you may not be able to use some services provided by the Company (including services on websites operated by the Company) if you do not provide your Personal Information to the Company.
  3. Customers under the age of 16 years are requested to provide their Personal Information after obtaining consent from a parent or guardian (if you are in elementary or junior high school, please carefully discuss this with a parent or other adult).
  4. If you contact the Company by telephone, the conversation may be recorded to ensure that no aspects of your request are overlooked.
  5. The Company may use cookies and web beacons to provide better services on its website. For details, please refer to the Site Policy.
  6. The Company does not bear any responsibility concerning the protection of customer Personal Information on the websites of other companies to which there are links on the Company’s website.
  7. In the event of any significant changes or announcements, they will be posted on this page.
  8. The Company may revise this Personal Information Protection Policy in order to better protect customer Personal Information and to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of Japan.